Exam: Cold War
Friday, May 22, 2009
Those who do not attend school on Friday for the exam date will be subject to a make up exam different from the original exam. It is advisable to be present on the day of the original exam. You have been warned.
Terms to Know:
Cold War
Yalta Agreement
Potsdam Conference
Iron Curtain
Proxy War
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Satellite Nations
Berlin Airlift
Warsaw Pact
Command Economy vs. Free Market Economy
Berlin Wall
Domino Theory
Korean War
Vietnam War
Prague Sping (1956 Hungarian Uprising)
"Hot Spots"
-Cuban Missle Crisis
-Bay of Pigs
-Nicaragua & Daniel Ortega
-Guatemala *& United Fruit Company
-Space Race
-Arms Race
-Suez Canal Crisis
Nikita Krushchev
Brehznev Doctrine
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
Questions to Consider as you prepare for the exam:
1. Was the Cold War actually a "cold war"? Explain.
2. How did the Soviet Union establish control over Eastern Europe?
3. Explain the policy of containment and at least 2 ways that it was executed.
4. To what extent was the Korean and/or Vietnamese Conflicts results of the Cold War?
5. How did Cold War rivalries impact developing nations?
6. To what extent was a war of economic philosophies?
7. How did Gorbachev's policies lead to the break up of the Soviet Union?
8. How were Cold War tensions reflected in Latin America?
Exam Format:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer