Wednesday, November 23, 2011

HW 11/23 Ch. 29 All Sections

Read: All of Chapter 29, Section 1-4

Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Ch. 29, Sec. 1- Monday 11/28; Ch. 29, Sec. 2- Thursday 12/1; Ch. 29, Sec. 3 & 4- Monday, 12/5

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 10

Chapter 29, Section 1/2/3/ 4

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Study Guide: Unit 2 Exam

Unit 2 Exam: The Industrial Revolution & Imperialism
Exam Date: Wednesday, November 23rd*
*Please make arrangements with Ms. Hanemann to take the exam early if you plan to be out of town on the 23rd.

Exam Format: 50 Multiple Choice Questions
Study Materials:
Please see Unit 2 LGT for vocabulary and concepts
Chapter 25, All Sections
Chapter 26, Sec. 4
Chapter 27, All Sections

Regents Prep Practice Questions:
Industrial Revolution
Meiji Restoration

Thursday, November 10, 2011

HW 11/10 India Imperialism Documents

Read: Documents on Imperialism in India- if for some reason you have lost this packet, please email Ms. Hanemann and you can recieve an electronic copy.
Task: Answer document questions,complete the constructed response graphic organizer by citing evidence that agrees with our statement and evidence that disagrees with our statement.
Due: Monday 11/14*
*Because of our timeline for writing, this assignment cannot be accepted late.

Friday, November 4, 2011

HW 11/4 Ch. 27, Sec 3-5

Read: Chapter 27, Section 3-5 (yes, we skipped Section 2)
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Thursday 11/10
Note-Taking Format Reminder:
1. Provide a heading for your notes that includes the chapter and section numbers
2. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
3. Turn Red Headings into Questions
4. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Notes should be in the following format:
Ms. Hanemann
Global 10

Chapter 27, Section 3, 4, 5
Vocabulary word 1: Definiton according to the textbook
Vocabulary word 2: Definition according to the textbook
Vocabulary word 3: Definition according to the textbook

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
Next Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
And so on and so forth, until the section is completed