Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Break Assignment

Read: Chapter 22, Section 2 & 3
Task: Take notes in format. See below for a reminder on format, especially if you have been losing points due to improper formatting
Due: Monday, January 3, 2011

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann

Chapter 22, Section2

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

Thursday, December 9, 2010

HW 12/9 Absolutism

***There are 2 assignments on this page-- please read carefully!***

Read: Page 516-517 (Start with Red Heading "Absolutism in Europe")
Task: Take notes in note-taking format (see below for reminder)
Due: Friday, 12/10

Read: Page 519-524 (Start with red heading "Louis XIV Rules Absolutely")
Task: Take notes in note-taking format (see below for reminder)
Due: Tuesday, 12/14

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann

Pages X - X

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HW 12/7 Disease in the Americas

Read: Disease in the Americas
Due: Thursday, 12/9
1. Annotate the Document using our annotation technique
2. Agree or Disagree with this statement using evidence from the article:
  • The Columbian Exchange was an act of bio-terrorism. 
    • Bio-terrorism = the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants.
Write your response on a separate sheet of paper to hand in.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HW 12/1 Ch. 19, Sec. 1

Read: Chapter 19, Section 1

Take notes in format

Due: Friday, 12/3

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Study Guide: Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Reformation

Exam: The Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Reformation
Date: Tuesday, November 30

Materials to Study:
Chapter 17, Sections 1, 3, 4
Chapter 22, Section 1
Notes on Renaissance Artists
Scientific Revolution Documents
Reformation Documents

Key Terms:
Renaissance Key Terms:
Printing Press
Renaissance Man
Artists (Rafael, Michelangelo, Donatello, DaVinci)

Scientific Revolution Key Terms:
Printing Press
Da Vinci
Scientific Method
Heliocentric Theory
Geocentric Theory

Reformation Key Terms:
Martin Luther
John Tetzel
The Elect
King Henry VIII
Act of Supremacy
Council of Trent
The Index
Magna Carta

Exam Format:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer (Based on the Aims)

How to Use Your Notes for Studying:
  1. Highlight Questions from Headings in HW
  2. Do your notes answer the heading questions? If not, what are the answers to those questions?
  3. Highlight Vocabulary from HW and in class assignments (including notes)
  4. Find places where your HW notes match up with our classwork/class notes. If the information is in both then that means its IMPORTANT!
  5. Find places where all of your notes and assignments match up with the Study Guide-- THAT MEANS ITS ON THE EXAM!
  6. Can you answer all of the Aims from class since we began our work on the Renaissance?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

HW 11/18 Ch. 17, Sec 3 & 4

Read: All of Chapter 17, Section3 & 4

Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Tuesday, 11/23

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann

Chapter 17, Section 3

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

HW 11/18 Ch. 17, Sec. 3 & 4

Read: All of Chapter 17, Section3 & 4
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Tuesday, 11/23

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann

Chapter 17, Section 3

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/17 Bacon and Descartes Readings

Bacon's "On Suspicion" and Descartes' "The Meditations"; Preparation for class small class discussion on Thursday.

Due: Thursday 11/18

1. Annotate readings, especially looking for the author's thesis
2. As you read answer the following two questions:

A. How does Bacon's "On Suspicion" reflect the ideas and/or beliefs of the Scientific Revolution?

B. How does Descartes' "The Meditations" reflect the ideas and/or beliefs of the Scientific Revolution?

The ideas and beliefs of the Scientific Revolution include: humanism, secularism, and the scientific method. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

HW 11/12 Ch. 22, Sec. 1

Read: All of Chapter 22, Section1
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Tuesday, 11/16

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann

Chapter 22, Section 1

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

Monday, November 8, 2010

Commercial Revolution and Renaissance Vocabulary

Vocabulary for Quiz

Commercial Revolution (all the Commercial Revolution vocab is on the sheet from last Thursday when I was absent)
Join-Stock Company

Renaissance Man
The Medici Family
Printing Press
Gutenberg Bible

Monday, November 1, 2010

HW 11/1 Pgs 425-427

Read: Pages 425-427 in textbook

Task: Take notes on the reading in Note-Taking Format

Due: Wednesday, 11/3

Red Headings become questions
Answer the questions based on the reading in bullet points
Identify and define vocabulary.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

HW 10/28 Ch. 17, Sec 1

Read: Chapter 17, Section1

Task: Take notes on the reading in Note-Taking Format

Due: Monday, 11/1

Red Headings become questions
Answer the questions based on the reading in bullet points
Identify and define vocabulary.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Study Guide: Middle Ages and the Crusades

Exam: Middle Ages and The Crusades 
Thursday, October 28th

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Textbook Materials:

Chapter 13 Sections 1-4
Chapter 14, Section 1 & 2

Classwork Materials:

Homework Notes
Play on Manorialism
Documents on Feudalism, Manorialism,
Documents on the Medieval Church, Popes vs Kings


Roman Catholic Church
Canon Law
Lay Investiture
Gothic Architecture
Romanesque Architecture
Holy Land
Bubonic Plague
3 Field System

Short Answer Questions:

Will be based on the class Aims.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Read: Chapter 14, Section1

Task: Take notes on the reading in Note-Taking Format

Due: Friday, 10/22

Red Headings become questions
Answer the questions based on the reading in bullet points
Identify and define vocabulary.

Monday, October 18, 2010

HW 10/18 Ch. 13, Sec. 4

Read: Chapter 13, Section 4

Task: Take notes on the reading in Note-Taking Format

Due: Wednesday, 10/20

Red Headings become questions
Answer the questions based on the reading in bullet points
Identify and define vocabulary.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Middle Ages & Feudalism Vocabulary

Middle Ages Vocabulary
Quiz: Monday, October 18th

Roman Catholic Church

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

HW 10/12 Feudalism

Complete the last page of your packet on feudalism and the manor. Follow the directions and example given.

Due: Thursday, 10/14

Thursday, October 7, 2010

HW 10/7 Chapter 13, Section 1

Chapter 13, Section 1 in your textbook

Take notes on the section using the note-taking format. Remember-- only RED headings become questions.

  • Assignment must be on loose leaf in blue or black ink
  • If typing, you must print your assignment before class
  • If typing you must use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, black ink
  • Your assignment must have a heading
Note-Taking Format Refresher:

Step 1: Turn major headings into questions
Step 2: Be sure to identify and define vocabulary words, usually in bold or italics
Step 3: Use the information in the reading to answer the heading question. Summarize the ideas in your own words. Challenge yourself to use fewer bullet points by better summarizing your ideas.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HW 9/29 Ch. 11, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 11, Section 1 in your textbook

As you read take notes on each section of the reading using the note-taking format. Please note the following change:
  • Please only turn the RED headings into questions. You do not need to turn the green headings into questions
  • Note-Taking Format:
    • Turn Red Headings into questions
    • Identify and define vocabulary terms
    • Summarize the section into 3-7 bullet points that answers the heading question.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Use Your Notes for Studying

How to Use Your Notes for Studying:
  1. Highlight Questions from Headings in HW
  2. Do your notes answer the heading questions? If not, what are the answers to those questions?
  3. Highlight Vocabulary from HW and in class assignments (including notes)
  4. Find places where your HW notes match up with our classwork/class notes. If the information is in both then that means its IMPORTANT!
  5. Find places where all of your notes and assignments match up with the Study Guide--> THAT MEANS ITS ON THE EXAM!
  6. Can you answer all of the Aims from class since we began our work on Rome?

Friday, September 17, 2010

HW 9/17 Roman Law & Society, Classroom Agreement

Read: Roman Law & Society worksheet handed out in class today
Due: Monday, September 20th
  • Take notes on the reading using the strategy we used in class for the last three days. 
  • Please check your notes from today or review the format below if you need help. 
  • Your notes must be handwritten in blue or black ink on college-ruled loose leaf paper. 
  • You do not have permission to type and print this assignment. 
Get your classroom agreement signed by your parent/guardian if you have not already done so. It is also due on Monday. 

Note-Taking Strategy We’ve Been Using:

Step 1: Turn major headings and sub-headings into questions
Step 2: Be sure to identify and define vocabulary words, usually in bold or italics
Step 3: Use the information in the reading to answer the heading question. Summarize the ideas in your own words.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

HW 9/15 Foundations of Rome/ Note-Taking

Read: The Foundation of Rome worksheet handed out in class today
Due: Thursday, September 16th
  • Take notes on the reading using the strategy we used in class for the last three days. 
  • Please check your notes from today or review the format below if you need help. 
  • Your notes must be handwritten in blue or black ink on college-ruled loose leaf paper. 
  • You do not have permission to type and print this assignment. 

Note-Taking Strategy We’ve Been Using:

Step 1: Turn major headings and sub-headings into questions
Step 2: Be sure to identify and define vocabulary words, usually in bold or italics
Step 3: Use the information in the reading to answer the heading question. Summarize the ideas in your own words.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HW 9/14 Independent Note-Taking Rubric

Read: "Independent Note-Taking Rubric" on page 4 of your class syllabus.
Bring: Your syllabus to class tomorrow and your "working" binder
Due: Wednesday, 9/15

  • We will be using the Independent Note-Taking Rubric tomorrow in class
  • If you do not understand certain words or phrases in the rubric, please look them up and write the word and definition on your syllabus in the "Comments" section. 
  • If you still do not understand the rubric after you look up words and phrases, write your questions in the "Comments" section and bring them to class tomorrow. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

HW 9/13 First Assignment

Hey, you found it! Well done!

Your 1st Homework Assignment:
  1. Read Page 2 of your Class Syllabus
  2. Be prepared to be quizzed on the material on page 2 of the syllabus tomorrow in class. *
  3. Bring your syllabus to class tomorrow.
  4. Tell your parents that you will need them to sign a Classroom Agreement over the weekend. If they will not be home let Ms. Hanemann know tomorrow so that you can make other arrangements to complete the agreement.
*Quiz Prep Suggestions from our class today:
  • What do you need to do in order to be prepared for the quiz?
  • How many times did we read the 1st page in class?
  • How do you know which information is the most important?
  • What did we do when we needed to clarify the definition of a word (ex: Overview)?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Regents Exam Information

Use this link to get old Regents Exams and answers to get in more practice before the exam!

Global History and Geography Regents Exam
Tuesday, June 15th
1:15 pm- 4:15 pm

  • Please be at school, in your assigned room no later than 1:00pm

  • Room Assignments will be posted around the 5th floor

  • If you arrive later than 2:15pm, you will not be permitted to sit for the exam

Please Bring:

  • Pen (2)

  • Pencil (2)

  • ID card

  • Water


  • Textbook if you have not already turned it in

Exam Format (You have 3 hours to finish the exam):

  • Part I: 50 Multiple Choice Questions

  • Part II: 1 Thematic Essay

  • Part IIIA: Approximately 9 documents with questions

  • Part IIIB: 1 DBQ Essay based on the documents

HW June 2008 Regents Exam

Castle Learning Assignment: June 2008 Regents Questions

Assigned: Friday, June 4thnd
Due: Monday, June 7th

50 Questions

How Will I Be Graded?: You will be given a grade based your raw score. What does that mean? You will be given a score out of 100 based on the number of questions you answered correctly on the first try.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

HW 6/2 CL Regents Review 5

Castle Learning Assignment: Regents Review 5

Assigned: Wedensday, June 2nd
Due: Friday, June 4th

60 Questions

How Will I Be Graded?: This assignment will be graded differently than the previous assignments. You will be given a grade based your raw score. What does that mean? You will be given a score out of 100 based on the number of questions you answered correctly on the first try.

Friday, May 28, 2010

HW 5/28 CL Regents Review 4

Castle Learning Assignment: Regents Review 4

Assigned: Friday, May 28th
Due: Tuesday, June 1st

60 Questions

How Will I Be Graded?: This assignment will be graded differently than the previous assignments. You will be given a grade based your raw score. What does that mean? You will be given a score out of 100 based on the number of questions you answered correctly on the first try.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HW Castle Learning Regents Review 3

Castle Learning Assignment: Regents Review 3

Assigned: Tuesday, May 25th
Due: Friday, May 28th

60 Questions

How Will I Be Graded?: This assignment will be graded differently than the previous assignments. You will be given a grade based your raw score. What does that mean? You will be given a score out of 100 based on the number of questions you answered correctly on the first try.

Friday, May 21, 2010

HW 5/21 Castle Learning

Castle Learning Assignment: Regents Review 2

Assigned: Friday, May 21st
Due: Tuesday, May 25th

60 Questions: Golden Ages to Beginning of Industrial Revolution

How Will I Be Graded?: You will be given a grade based your score titled "Score with Retry as Half Credit." What does that mean? You have a base score of the number that you got correct, but if you got the answer correct on a re-try that will count as half credit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HW 5/18 Castle Learning

Castle Learning Assignment: Regents Review 1

Assigned: Tuesday, May 18th
Due: Friday, May 21st

60 Questions on early history through the Golden Ages

How Will I Be Graded?: You will be given a grade based on the number of correct responses on your Castle Learning assignment.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HW 5/11 Ch. 35, Sec. 3 & 4

Read Chapter 35, Sections 3 & 4 in your textbook and complete the tasks listed below for each section.

Due: Thursday, 5/13*

*This assignment will not be accepted late. Failure to hand in your work on or before the due date will result in a zero for these assignments.

Chapter 35, Section 3:

1. Identify the following terms:

a. Politburo
b. Mikhail Gorbachev
c. glasnost
d. Perestroika
e. Solidarity
f. Lech Walsea
g. reunification

2. For each country discussed in the reading, identify:

a. Reforms that were made
b. Leaders of the reform (Hungary is the only country without a leader listed)
c. The results of these reforms.

You are free to create a chart to organize this information or write about these reforms in paragraph format.

Chpater 35, Section 4:

1. Identify the following terms:

a. Boris Yeltsin
b. "shock therapy"

2. In SRF Format:

Discuss the economic and cultural challenges faced by the former Soviet Union (including Russia and other territories) in the Yeltsin Era. You must include concepts about "shock therapy" and ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.


Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 5/10 Ch. 33, Sec. 5

Read Chapter 33, Section 5 in your textbook. As you read, complete the following tasks.

Due: Tuesday, May 11*

*This assignment will not be accepted late as we will be discussing it tomorrow in class. If you do not have the assignment with you in class, you will not be able to make it up.

Identify the following terms:

a. Nikita Kruschev
b. destalinization
c. Leonid Brehznev
d. Imre Nagy
e. Alexander Dubcek
f. detente
h. Star Wars

Create a chart that lists:

1. Leaders
-- You must include: Kruschev, Dubcek, Brehznev, JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan)
2. Actions they took or programs they created
3. Whether this leader escalated (increased) Cold War tension or contributed to the detente of the Cold War.

You should refer to the example given in class, remember that this assignment CAN NOT be handed in late.

Study Guide: Cold War

Cold War Exam
Monday, May 17th

Those absent on Exam Day will be subject to a make-up exam.

Materials to Study:

Document Packets:
- Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
- Marshall Plan
- Truman Doctrine
- Warsaw Pact
- NATO Treaty
- Why They Call it a W-A-R
- Maps and Timelines of Korea, Germany, Vietnam

Chapter 33 Sections 1,3,4,5
Chapter 35, Sections 3 & 4

Class Notes:
- Yalta and Potsdam Notes
- Hot Spots of the Cold War
- Germany: Divison and Unification Packet
- Vietnam War Packet and Effects Notes
- Command Economy vs. Free Market Economy
- Cool Down of the Cold War
- Collapse of the Soviet Union

Terms to Know:

Cold War
Command Economy
Free Market Economy
Factors of Production
Yalta & Potsdam Conferences
Iron Curtain
Churchill, Atlee, Stalin, Kruschev, Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon, JFK
Marshall Plan
Truman Doctrine
Warsaw Pact
Berlin Blockade
Berlin Airlift
Berlin Wall
Domino Theory
Space Race
Arms Race
Korean War
-38th Parallel
Vietnam War
- N. Vietnam
- S. Vietnam
- Vietcong
- Vietnamization
- Guerilla Warfare
Developing Nations
- Nicaragua
- Cuba
- Chile
- Congo
- Egypt
- Guatemala
Nonaligned Nation
Star Wars
Shock Therapy

Short Answer Questions:

1. Discuss three examples of how the United States and other Western nations carried out the policy of containment (ex: Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Vietnam War, NATO, Korean War, Berlin Airlift).

2. Discuss the impact of the Cold War on international relations. (Examples: US or USSR relations with China, Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua, Cuba, Chile, Egypt, Congo, Guatemala)

3. Discuss the basic differences between a command economy and a free market economy.

4. Discuss three conditions that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. (Examples: Detente, resistance in satellite nations, Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika, solidarity, reunification of Germany, Yeltsin's "shock therapy")

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Identifying Terms (Who, what, where, when, SO WHAT?-- why is this important to the big picture of the Post World War II World?)

Monday, May 3, 2010

HE 5/3 Ch. 33, Sec. 3

Read Chapter 33, Section 3 in your textbook and complete the following tasks:

Due: Tuesday, 5/4

1. Identify the following terms:
a. 38th parallel
b. Douglas MacArthur
c. Ho Chi Minh
d. domino theory
e. Ngo Dinh Hidm
f. Vietcong
g. Veitnamization
h. Khmer Rouge

2. What effects did the Korean War have on the Korean people and nation?

3. How did the domino theory encourage American involvement in Vietnam?

Friday, April 30, 2010

HW 4/30 Maps of Germany, Korea, and Vietnam

Using the packet from today's classwork, complete the maps of the Germany, Korea, and Vietnam.

Germany: pg 857
Vietnam: pg 869
Korea: pg 867

You should be labeling the two parts of each country (north and south or east and west), major cities that are listed on the map, and a few of the neighboring countries. On the map of Europe it is not necessary to label ALL of the countries, just Germany's immediate neighbors.

Due: Monday, May 3rd.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

HW 4/28 "Why its Called a W-A-R"

Read the Document from today's classwork packet entitled "Why its called a W-A-R" and complete the following task.

Due: Friday, 4/29

Using our timeline of the Cold War and our Cold War key terms, annotate/identify the key terms and key events in the reading.

On this assignment, a successful student should be reading the document and cross-referencing their list of key terms and timeline to correctly identify the key terms.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HW: Documents Marshall Plan and Warsaw Pact

As you read the Documents "The Marshall Plan" and "The Warsaw Pact" complete the following tasks:

Due: Thursday, April 29

The Marshall Plan:

On the document:

A. Identify in annotations and underline in the text the "difficulties" Europe faces that Marshall outlines in his speech.

B. Identify in annotations and underline in the text the solutions Marshall suggests.

On a separate sheet of paper to hand in:

A. Choose a statement from the speech that you believe is the most controversial statment for Marshall to make and explain why you believe it is controversial.

The Warsaw Pact:

On the document:

A. Make annotations that summarize the main idea of each Article.

B. Underline the countries involved in the Pact.

C. On the bottom of the document, identify, what makes this Pact contradictory, if anything?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Study Guide WWII

Exam: World War II

Date: Monday, April 26, 2010

Materials to Study:

- Chapter 31, Section 2, 3, 4
- Chapter 32, Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Documents and Classwork
- Great Depression Documents
- Fascism Packet
- Notes on the Weimar Republic and the Rise of Hitler
- Road to WWII Document Packet
- Nazi Propaganda Packet
- WWII Battles/Strategy Worksheet
- Notes on the Decision to Drop the Bomb vs. Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht
- Info from Holocaust Films

Terms to Know:

Great Depression
John Maynard Keynes
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Weimar Republic
Third Reich
Axis Powers
Allied Powers
Munich Conference
Franklin Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Aryan Race
Battle of Midway
Battle of Okinawa
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Iwo Jima
D-Day (Normandy)
-Nuremberg Laws
-Final Solution
Nuremberg Trials

Short Answer Questions:

1. Discuss the immediate and long term causes of the Great Depression.
2. Why did a movement like fascism come to power during a time of crisis?
3. Under what conditions in Hitler gain power
4. How did the Nazi's use propaganda to unify and stabilize Germany?
5. Discuss the effects of the policies of appeasement and isolationism.
6. What military tactics led to the Allied victory?
7. How did government policies created during WWII impact human behavior or the human experience of WWII?
8. Identify and explain 3 stages of the Holocaust.
9. Discuss the immediate effects of World War II.

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Friday, April 16, 2010

HW 4/16 Ch. 32, Sec. 3

Read Chapter 32, Section 3 in your textbook and complete the following tasks

Due: Monday, April 19

1. Identify the following terms:

a. Holocaust
b. Kristallnacht
c. ghettos
d. "Final Solution"
e. genocide

2. In an SRF paragraph respond to the following question:

a. Compare this genocide to one other genocide or crime against humanity that we have learned about.

-Rwanda (1994)
-Armenian Genocide (1915)
-Rape of Nanking (1937)
-Apartheid (1948-1994)
-Darfur (2003-present)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

HW 4/15 Ch. 32, Sec. 4

Read Chapter 32, Section 4 in your textbook and complete the following tasks:

Due: Friday, 4/16

1. Answer the following question in SRF Format (a guide to using the format is at the bottom of this post):

a. What were the three most important factors that allowed the Allies to be victorious in World War II?

Reminder of SRF Format: (minimum of six sentences as follows)

-Thesis Statement
-Evidence 1
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic
-Evidence 2
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 4/12 Ch. 32, Sec. 2

Read Chapter 32, Section 2 in your textbook and complete the following tasks on a separate sheet of paper.

Due: Tuesday, April 13th (All periods)

1. Identify the following terms:

a. Isoroku Yamamoto
b. Pearl Harbor
c. Battle of Midway
d. Douglas MacArthur
e. Battle of Guadalcanal

2. In an SRF paragraph, discuss the major events of the Pacific campaign during World War II. A correct paragraph should discuss at least 3 major events and the causes and effects of these events.

Friday, April 9, 2010

HW 4/9 Ch. 32, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 32, Section 1 in your textbook and complete the following tasks on a separate sheet of paper.

DUE: Monday, 4/12 ALL PERIODS

*Reminder: We are on Single Period Schedules until further notice*

1. Terms to Know:

A. Non-Aggression Pact
B. Blitzkreig
C. Charles de Gaulle
D. Winston Churchill
E. Battle of Britain
F. Atlantic Charter

2. SRF Question: (format listed at the end of this post in case you need it again):

A. Some countries fought off German invasions, others surrendered quickly. What issues influenced each country's decision to fight or surrender? You must include 4 countries that are a combination of:

Britan or France (choose one)
Italy or North Africa (choose one)
Poland (must include)
The Soviet Union (must include)

An accurate response would answer the question and discuss a combination of countries such as Britain, North Africa, Poland, and the Soviet Union.

SRF Format:

A minimum of six sentences as follows:

-Thesis Statement
-Evidence 1
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic
-Evidence 2
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic

Friday, March 26, 2010

HW 3/26 Ch. 31 Sec. 3 & 4

Read Chapter 31, Sec. 3 & 4 in your textbook and respond to the following tasks on a separate sheet of paper

DUE: Wednesday, April 7th


12 terms to identify
4 SRF Questions

Reminder of SRF Format: (minimum of six sentences as follows)

-Thesis Statement
-Evidence 1
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic
-Evidence 2
--Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic

Homework Task 1: Twelve Terms to Identify:

a. fascism
b. Benito Mussolini
c. Adolf Hitler
d. Nazism
e. Mein Kampf
f. lebensraum
g. appeasement
h. Axis Powers
i. Fancisco Franco
j. isolationism
k. Third Reich
l. Munich Conference

Homework Task 2: Four SRF Questions to Answer:

A. Describe the personal characteristics that helped Hitler and Mussolini gain success as leaders.

B. Why did a movement like fascism come to power during a time of crisis?

C. Describe the goals that Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito had in common.

D. What were the effects of the policies of appeasement and isolationism?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

HW Ch. 31, Sec. 2

Read Chapter 31, Sec. 2 in your textbook and respond to the following tasks

DUE: Friday, 3/26

1. Identify the following terms:
a. coalition government
b. Weimar republic
c. Great Depression
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt
e. New Deal

2. In an SRF format paragraph, identify the causes of the Great Depression

3. In an SRF format paragraph, identify the effects of the Great Depression

4. In an SRF format paragaph, identify the actions/steps that each of the following countries took to deal with the Depression:

a. United States
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Scandinavian Countries

Monday, March 22, 2010

HW 3/22 Ch. 31, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 31, Section 1 in your textbook and complete the following assignment on a separate sheet of paper:

1. Identify the following items:
a. Albert Einstein
b. theory of relativity
c. Sigmund Freud
d. existentialism
e. Friedrich Nietzsche
f. surrealism
g. jazz
h. Charles Lindbergh

2. Choose two of the items listed below and FOR EACH, respond to the following question in a paragraph in SRF format.

SRF Format: (Six-Sentence Paragraph)

Thesis (1 sentence)
Evidence 1 (1 sentence)
-Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic (1 sentence)
Evidence 2 (1 sentence)
-Explanation of evidence and how it relates to topic (1 sentence)
Conclusion (1 sentence)

Question: How did your chosen individual, movement, or idea shape society after World War I? In what way(s) was your chosen individual, movement, or idea a REACTION to the events of World War I?

Individuals, Movements, Ideas to choose from:

Albert Einstein
Sigmund Freud
Literature of the 1920's
Women's Rights
Radio and Film



SRF 1: Surrealism

Surrealism shaped society after World War I.... [Follow SRF Format to complete answer in paragraph form]

SRF 2: Jazz

Jazz shaped society after World War I.... [Follow SRF Format to complete answer in paragraph form]

Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 3/15 Ch. 30, Sec. 2

Read Chpater 30 Section 2 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Wednesday, 3/17
Period 8: Thursday, 3/18

1. Identify the following terms:
a. totalitarianism
b. Great Purge
c. command economy
d. Five-Year Plan
e. collective farming

2. Why does control of education help totalitarian regimes become successful?

3. What are the key traits (characteristics) of totalitarian state?

4. List at least 3 ways that totalitarian rulers keep their power?

5. How did the Soviet economy change direction under Stalin's leadership?

6. Why did children report their parents to the secret police?

Friday, March 12, 2010

HW 3/12 Ch. 30, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 30 Section 1 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.


Period 7: Monday, 3/15
Period 8: Tuesday, 3/16

1. Identify the following terms:
a. proletariat
b. Bolsheviks
c. Lenin
d. Rasputin
e. provisional government
f. soviet
g. Communist Party
h. Joseph Stalin

2. How did the czar's policies toward the people lead to social unrest?

3. How did World War I help to bring about the Russian Revolution?

4. What groups made up the Red army and the White army?

5. Why did the Bolsheviks rename their party the Communist Party?

6. How did Lenin's Communist Party stray from (did not follow) Marx's original concept of communism?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Study Guide: World War I

Exam: World War I

Friday, March 12th
Castle Learning is available for Multiple Choice practice

Materials to Study:

Chapter 29, Sections 1-4
--M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Packet (notes, maps, motives)
--Life During WWI Stations Packet
--Maps of Europe (Before 1914, Early War 1914, After WWI)
--End of WWI Packet (Focus on Treaty of Versailles)

Terms to Know:

M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
The Black Hand
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
The Balkan Peninsula
"The Powder Keg"
Central Powers
Western Front
Eastern Front
Trench Warfare
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Total War
Woodrow Wilson
-Fourteen Points
Georges Clemenceau
Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations

Short Answer Practice:

1. Explain, using an example, how each of the following forces helped push Europe toward war: nationalism, imperialism, militarism.
2. Identify the Black Hand and explain why its members wanted to assassinate Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.
3. Explain why World War I was considered a Global conflict even though most of the fighting took place in Europe.
4. In what ways did total war affect ordinary citizens? Be sure to include at least 3 ways and illustrative examples.
5. How can World War I be considered a turning point in world history? Support your answer with relevant facts and details.
6. Was Germany to blame for World War I? Explain your answer.
7. What were the possible negative effects of the terms of peace reached after World War I. Be specific.
8. Based on what you know about the beginnings of World War I, why did the Allies blame Germany for the war?
9. How did technology change the nature of fighting in World War I. Be specific, give examples and results.
10. Explain the role that each of the following countries played in causing World War I: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Great Britain.


Short Answer
Multiple Choice
Light Geography-- don't put too much emphasis on this, but be prepared to analyze maps.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Regents Prep Review Book


Global 10 Parents and Students:

Beginning in April we will be reviewing and preparing for the Global History and Geography Regents Exam, which will be given in June. In order to prepare for this exam we will be using a review book from the Prentice Hall/Pearson Education publishing company.

The Review Book will be used for 2 PURPOSES:

1. To prepare students for the Regents Exam

2. To study more recent events and concepts in history that our textbook does not cover.

All students should be making arrangements to purchase this review book. There are three (3) teacher approved ways of purchasing this review book:

1. Ms. Hanemann and Ms. Riordan will have a classroom set available for students to use during prep sessions; all exercises will be completed on a separate sheet of paper instead of inside the book.

2. Barnes and Noble: Click HERE

3. Borders Books: Click HERE

4. Students and Parents can look for the review book on their own using the following information:

Title: Prentice Hall Brief Review: Global History and Geography
Edition: 2010
Publisher: Pearson Education
10 Digit ISBN: 0-13-370424-6
13 Digit ISBN: 978-0-13-370424-2

Students should have the book by April. You are encouraged to order early, as every 10th grade student in New York State is taking the exam this year and may also be using this text for review.

* If you cannot get a copy of the 2010 edition, you may use any edition from 2006 to 2010. Earlier editions may not cover events that may be tested on the exam.

Monday, March 1, 2010

HW 3/1 Ch. 29, Sec. 4

Read Chapter 29 Section 4 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Wed. 3/3
Period 8: Thurs. 3/4

1. Identify the following terms:
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. Georges Clemenceau
c. self-determination
d. Fourteen Points
e. Treaty of Versailles
f. League of Nations

2. What was the goal of Wilson's Fourteen Points?

3. What was the "war guilt" clause in the Treaty of Versailles?

4. Were the Versailles treaties fair if you consider all of the nations affected? Explain.

5. Why might European nations have been more interested in punishing Germany than creating a lasting peace?

Friday, February 26, 2010

HW 2/26

Read Chapter 29 Section 3 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Monday 3/1
Period 8: Tuesday 3/2

1. Identify the following terms
a. unrestricted submarine warfare
b. total war
c. rationing
d. propaganda
e. armistice

2. What factors helped prompt the U.S. to join the war for the Allies?

3. How did total war lead to rationing?

4. What role did women play in the war?

5. In what ways was World War I truly a global conflict?

BONUS: Can a government ever rightly justify censorship of war news? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW 2/24 Ch. 29, Sec. 2

Read Chapter 29 Section 2 in yout textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Due: Friday 2/26

1. Identify the following terms
a. Central Powers (list the countries too)
b. Allies (list the countries too)
c. Western Front
d. Schlieffen Plan
e. Trench Warfare

2. Why did Germany declare war on France?

3. How did Russia's lack of industrialization affect its war efforts?

4. What were the characteristics of trench warfare?

5. How was the war on the Eastern Front different from the war on the Western front? How was it the same?

Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 2/22 Ch. 29, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 29 Section 1 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Due: Period 7 Wed. 2/24; Period 8 Thurs. 2/25

1. Identify the following terms:
a. militarism
b. Triple Alliance
c. Triple Entente

2. How do imperialism and militarism work together to promote war?

3. Who were the memebers of the Triple Alliance? The members of the Triple Entente?How could a conflict between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente draw all of Europe into the conflict?

3. What single event set in motion the start of World War I?

4. What were the reasons for hostility between Austria-Hungary and Serbia?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Study Guide: Industrial Revolution

Exam Topic: The Industrial Revolution

Period 7: 2/22
Period 8: 2/23

Materials to Study:

Notes from Tuesday 2/2 through Friday 2/12
Packet on the Industrial Revolution
-Agrarian Revolution and Other Causes
-Changes in Technology and Demography
-Effects of Society: Women, Children, and the Rise of the Middle Class
-Economic Thought
-The "Evils" of Industry
-Reforms: Labor, Law, Education, and Class Struggle

-Chapter 25 Sections 1, 2, 3, 4
-Chapter 26 Sections 1 and 4

Terms to Know:

Listed on the first page of the Agrarian Revolution Packet

Castle Learning:

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice

HW 2/10 Ch. 26, Sec. 4

Read Chapter 26 Section 4 in your textbook and answer the following questions.

Due: Period 7 & 8 Friday, 2/12

1. Identify the following terms:
a. assembly line
b. Charles Darwin
c. Theory of Evolution
d. radioactivity
e. psychology
f. mass culture

2. What effects did the assembly line have on production costs?

3. What effect did the spread of public education have on culture?

4. How did the germ theory change living conditions in Europe and in the United States?

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 2/8 Ch. 26, Sec 1

Read Chapter 26, Section 1 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be on a separate sheet of paper, in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Wednesday 2/10
Period 8: Thursday 2/11

1. Identify the following terms:
a. suffrage
b. Queen Victoria
c. Third Republic
d. anti-Semitism

2. What was an effect of the Reform Bill of 1832?

3. Why did the women's suffrage movement seem radical in the Victorian era?

4. How would you characterize the groups that opposed the Third Republic?

5. What was the connection between anti-Semitism and Zionism?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

HW 2/4 Ch. 25, Sec. 4

Read Chapter 25, Section 4 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Monday 2/8
Period 8: Tuesday 2/9

1. Identify the following terms:
a. laissez faire
b. Adam Smith
c. capitalism
d. socialism
e. Karl Marx
f. communism
g. union
h. strike

2. What were Adam Smith's three natural laws of economics?

3. What kind of society did early socialists want?

4. Who counts as a "Proletariat?" How are the proletariat and the bourgeoisie interdependent?

5. How did the growth of unions help workers?

6. What do lower wages for women suggest about their place in industrial society?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

HW 2/2: Ch. 25, Sec. 3

Read Chapter 25 Section 3 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.


Period 7: Thursday, 2/4
Period 8: Friday, 2/5

1. Identify the following terms:
a. stock
b. corporation

2. Why did Lucy Larcom think that mill work benefitted women?

3. How did German industry create political unity

4. Why did imperialism grow out of industrialization?

5. How did the industrial revolution shift the world balance of power? (Balance of Power is a word we learned during our study of the Congress of Vienna- you can return to chapter 24 to find the definition of this word)

Friday, January 22, 2010

HW 1/22 Ch. 25, Sec 1&2

Read Chapter 25 Sections 1 & 2 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Please respond in SRF format to the questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Due: Tuesday 2/2

Questions for Ch. 25 Sec. 1:

1. Identify the following terms:
a. Industrial Revolution
b. enclosure
c. industrialization
d. factors of production

2. What were the factors that contributed to industrialization in Britain?

3. How did rising population help the Industrial Revolution?

4. Was the revolution in agriculture necessary to the Industrial Revolution? Explain.

Questions for Ch. 25 Sec. 2:

1. Identify the following terms:
a. urbanization
b. middle class

2. Why did people flock to British cities and towns during the Industrial Revolution?

3. What were some of the negative effects of the rapid growth of Manchester?

4. How were class tensions affected by the Industrial Revolution?

NOTE: As per our class on Monday, 1/25, students need to finish reading Document 4 in Monday's classwork packet on the Industrial Revolution, and answer the two questions at the end of Document 4. Responses to these questions are also due on Tuesday, 2/2.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mock Regents Exam

Mock Regents Exam

Period 7:
-Block, Wed. 1/20
-Single, Fri. 1/22

Period 8:
-Block, Thurs. 1/21
-Single, Fri. 1/22


Thematic Essay
Multiple Choice
Primary Documents with Questions


This exam is being given to all 10th grade students who will be taking the Global History and Geography Regents in June 2010. The purpose of this exam is to simulate the actual exam and give students an opportunity to gauge how they would do on the exam with the knowledge and skills they currently possess.

Study Aids:

It is recommended that students use the following items to properly prepare for thier exam:

-9th Grade Study Binders
-Castle Learning Practice Questions (count as a HW assignment) - a website for Regents prepartion

Materials on the Exam:

All units from 9th Grade-Africa

-Middle East
-Latin America

All units from 10th grade thus far:

-Roman Empire
-Byzantine Empire
-Middle Ages
-Commercial Revolution
-Scientific Revolution
-Rise of Nation-States
-Age of Exploration
-French Revolution
-Global Nationalism and Revolutions throughout Europe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Study Guide: Enlightenment & French Revolution

Exam: Enlightenment & French Revolution
Period 7: Wednesday, January 13th
Period 8: Thursday, Janyuary 14th
Castle Learning is available for multiple choice practice

Materials to Study:

Chapter 22, Sections 2, 3
Chapter 23, Sections 1-5
Chart on Enlightenment Thinkers from Powerpoint
Chart on Enlightenment Thinkers from "Press Conference" (with masks)
Play about the 3rd Estate
Packet #1 on Bourgeosie Phase of the French Revolution
Packet #2 on Radical Phase of the French Revolution
Reading Packet 1 (A Tale of 2 Cities, Bread, Marie Antionette)
Reading Packet 2 (Louis XVI Execution, Robespierre, Reign of Terror, Living Heads)

Enlightenment Vocabulary:

Scientific Method
Social Contract
Natural Rights (life, liberty, property)
Freedom of Speech
Separation of Powers of Government
Direct Democracy
Enlightened Despot

Enlightenment People to Know:


French Revolution Vocabulary:

Estates System
-1st Estate
-2nd Estate
-3rd Estate
National Assembly (gov't)
Great Fear
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Women's March
Declaration of the Rights of Women and Female Citizens
First Coalition
National Convention (gov't)
Committee for Public Safety
Reign of Terror
Metric System

French Revolution People to Know:

Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Maximilien Robespierre

Short Answer:

1. List and explain 3 characteristics of the Enlightenment.
2. For EACH Enlightenment Thinker (Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, or Montesquieu)and explain their position on government, the social contract, or the will of man.
3. List and explain the causes of the French Revolution
4. Explain the phrase "When France Sneezes Europe Gets a Cold"
5. How did the Jacobins unify the French people?
6. Explain how the laws created by the National Convention allowed for so many people to die. Be sure to include names of specific laws.

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Documents with questions (similar to a DBQ)

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 1/4 Ch. 23

Read Chapter 23, Sections 3, 4, 5 in the textbook
Take Outline notes as you read focusing on Main Events and vocabulary.

Due: Friday, January 8th

Suggested Schedule of completion:

Tuesday, Jan. 5: Chapter 23, Section 3
Wednesday, Jan. 6: Chapter 23, Section 4
Thursday, Jan. 7: Chapter 23, Section 5