Using your notes, textbook (Chapter 13, Sections 1-4), and classwork from the last week, you will be creating a video game with the theme of the Middle Ages for homework over the next two days.
DUE: Thursday, 10/2
The proposal should be:
1. Typed (or hand-written in a dire situation)
2. 12 point font
3. Times New Roman Font
4. Double spaced
5. 1-2 pages in length
6. Narration format-- do not write bullet points! Write as if it is a proposal for a video game that you would give to Nintendo, be professional in your written words and grammar!
Suggested Format:
1st Paragraph: The name, theme, and goal of your game
2nd Paragraph: The roles-- heroes, villians, obstacles (like in Mario-- the mushrooms are obstacles to Mario's success)
3rd Paragraph: Explain how a player gains points throughout the game
4th Paragraph: Decription of the 1st level of the game. This should include a description of the setting, the look of the characters, the tools that the hero uses, what obstacles he/she will encounter, and what they have to do in order to get to the next level.
Themes to Choose From:
1. Chivalry: A quest to save your lord, lady, or help the weak/poor
2. Medieval Warfare: Save your kingdom!
3. Landownership: Become the Lord of your Land!
4. Power of the Church: Quest to become a Pope
* You may stray from these themes, but please email and ask me if your idea strays VERY far away.
Goals of the Game: To become a knight, to win your lady, to own a manor or more land, to make your friend a bishop
How to Score Points: Collecting taxes, mastering a trade, control over priests, alliances with vassals, rescuing poor serfs, getting crops from a serf or vassal, mastering memorization of the Bible.
Characters: Pope, Knight, Serfs, Princesses, priests, bishops, archbishops, monks, vassals, lords, peasants
Description of First Level: You are stuck in the forest, battle wolves to get out, and arrive at a candle-stick maker's cottage in a shredded shirt, torn pants and no shoes. You are dirty and your hair is long and unruly. Throughout the first level you have to earn the candle-stick maker's trust in order to become his apprentice. The candle-stick maker has you do his dirty work: collecting orders for candles, turning fat into wax, helping his wife harvest crops. By the end of the first level the candle-stick maker agrees to have you as an apprentice, clothe, you and feed you in exchange for work. The goal of this game is to gain enough status to become a vassal.
Email me if you have any trouble and HAVE FUN!!! This is fun!