Wednesday, October 29, 2008

HW 10/30 Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog...

This homework assignment is given in honor of All Hallows Eve and the Reformation.

Below you will find a link to the guidebook Malleus Maleficarum, also known as the "Hammer of Witches," written in 1486 during the Reformation. As you know, the Reformation was a time of questioning and opposing the Catholic Church. In response to the heresy (opposition to Christianity) brought on by Martin Luther, the Church hired two members of the Dominican Order by the names of Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger to investigate the existence of witchcraft. The purpose of their guidebook was to: prove the existence of witches and instruct magistrates and leaders on how to spot, interrogate, and convict witches.

Your Assignment: Select a question that is answered in the guidebook and present its contents to the class tomorrow (Halloween!).

1. Choose a portion of the guidebook Malleus Maleficarum (Book 1, Book 2, or Book 3)

2. Each book contains a number of questions that are answered. Choose a question that you think is interesting or entertaining.

3. Read the answer to the question as written by Kramer & Sprenger and summarize it.

4. Analyze the text. Consider: does your question's answer degrade women, does it make claims that we know today are false, would your text have been used to convict someone of witchcraft (if yes, how so?), how is this text a reflection of the time period of the Reformation?

Links to the Guidebook:

Book 1: Proves the existence of witches, defines the relationship witches have with the devil, whether witches can put love spells on men or change them into animals, and how to spot a woman who may be a witch or become a witch.

Book 2: Discusses the daily and ritual practices of witches, such as how to recruit others to become a witch, how to cast a spell, remedies for spells, how to perform an exorcism, and whether or not witches can fly (my personal favorite, its called "How they are transported from Place to Place")

Book 3: How to interrogate, prosecute, and convict a witch and a step-by-step guide to conducting a witch trial (just 11 easy steps!).

Layout of Your Summary:

Your Name
My Name

Book Number: Title of the Question

3-5 sentence summary of the question

Your analysis of the text, including quotes to support your analysis.

**It would be great if you could print out a copy of the question you selected, but no points will be deducted if you cannot.

Email me with questions and Happy Witch Hunting!!!