Please remember that the marking period for the global studies grade book will close on Wednesday, those of you who have missing work need to get it to me by then for credit.
Anyone from period 7 who did not get to have a writing conference with me will not be held responsible for handing in an essay to me until we have a chance to conference on Thursday.
Wednesday is our evening trip to A Tale of Two Cities, please make sure that you are at the theater at 7:30 pm. The show is at the Al Hirschfeld Theater at 302 W. 45th Street between 8th and 9th Avenue. Only those who signed up for tickets should follow this information.
Period 8:
You will have an exam on Friday on the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Reformation. A School Island assignment will be made available to you by tonight.
Period 7:
Read Chapter 17, Section 4 in your textbook and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Answers must be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.
Due: Wednesday, 11/5
1. Look at the map on page 434, which countries became mostly Protestant and which countries remained mostly Catholic?
2. How did Protestant teachings cause further divisions in the Christian Church?
3. What were the main teachings of John Calvin?
4. Define Predestination, Council of Trent, and theocracy.
5. What role did the Jesuits play in the Catholic Reformation?
Email me with questions!