Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 2/22 Ch. 29, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 29 Section 1 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Due: Period 7 Wed. 2/24; Period 8 Thurs. 2/25

1. Identify the following terms:
a. militarism
b. Triple Alliance
c. Triple Entente

2. How do imperialism and militarism work together to promote war?

3. Who were the memebers of the Triple Alliance? The members of the Triple Entente?How could a conflict between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente draw all of Europe into the conflict?

3. What single event set in motion the start of World War I?

4. What were the reasons for hostility between Austria-Hungary and Serbia?