Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HW: Documents Marshall Plan and Warsaw Pact

As you read the Documents "The Marshall Plan" and "The Warsaw Pact" complete the following tasks:

Due: Thursday, April 29

The Marshall Plan:

On the document:

A. Identify in annotations and underline in the text the "difficulties" Europe faces that Marshall outlines in his speech.

B. Identify in annotations and underline in the text the solutions Marshall suggests.

On a separate sheet of paper to hand in:

A. Choose a statement from the speech that you believe is the most controversial statment for Marshall to make and explain why you believe it is controversial.

The Warsaw Pact:

On the document:

A. Make annotations that summarize the main idea of each Article.

B. Underline the countries involved in the Pact.

C. On the bottom of the document, identify, what makes this Pact contradictory, if anything?