Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HW 4/24 Cold War Readings on Latin America

Read: Complete Reading 25-30 from The World Since 1945: The Post-War World Packet, The Cold War Readings: How WWII & Cold War Tensions Affected Latin America
Task: Follow directions below for readings.
Due: Monday April 30th These readings will not be accepted late. You will still need to complete the readings in order to be on track for class, but you will not receive any credit if they are not complete by the due date.

If you lose the reading please email Ms. Hanemann for another copy-- this reading is available electronically!

Directions for all Readings:

1.Summarize as You Read: there is space in the right margin of all readings to summarize ideas; it is suggested that you summarize each paragraph in a few words

2.Highlight or Underline Key Terms: not all of the terms will be in bold print, so be on the look out!

3.Identify Key Players: who’s involved in the conflicts? Which countries are represented? What do they want? What are their methods for trying to get what they want?

4.LOOK UP WORDS YOU DON’T KNOW! If there’s a word that you are not familiar with, look it up in a on online dictionary—the word choice might be important for your understanding of the material.

5.Write down your Questions: We will be reviewing the readings in class, going over key vocabulary, individuals, countries, and actions. There will absolutely be time to answer your questions about whatever confuses your or you need clarification on.