Friday, September 7, 2012

HW 9/7 Quiz & History Department Rubrics (HW)


9th Grade Material Quiz  
When: Monday, September 10th

Please be prepared to take a quiz on the materials you learned in 9th grade.  There will multiple 30 choice questions. I will use this quiz as a baseline assessment of your knowledge Global History & Geography and to determine areas to concentrate on in preparation for the Regents exam in June. It will count as a quiz. 

Homework Assignment: 

1. Take notes in our note-taking format on the MHSHS Plagiarism Policy on Page 4 of your syllabus to hand in. 
2. Read: "Independent Note-Taking Rubric" and "Standard Response Format Rubric" on page 5 of your class syllabus.

Bring: Your syllabus to class on Monday and your "working" binder
Due: Monday, 9/10
  • We will be reviewing the rubrics in class on Monday
  • If you do not understand certain words or phrases in the rubrics, please look them up and write the word and definition on your syllabus in the "Comments" section. 
  • If you still do not understand the rubrics after you look up words and phrases, write your questions in the "Comments" section and bring them to class tomorrow.