Friday, January 20, 2012

HW 1/20 Reading "In the Garden of Beasts" Chapter 6 & 7

Read: Chapters 6 & 7 from In the Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larson, provided in class
Task: Summarize the reading according to the directions below
Due: Tuesday, 1/31/12

At the end of each chapter:

1. Write a 7-10 sentence summary of the chapter that focuses on attitudes towards the behavior of the Nazis in Berlin.

After you've read BOTH chapters:

1. Answer the following question in an SRF Paragraph, using at least 1 quote from the reading:
A. What was life like in Berlin during this time of rising Nazi power?

Class Discussion:
The focus question in our class discussion will be: What actions did Hitler and the Nazi's take to gain power? How did they take power away from others?