Friday, September 18, 2009

HW 9/18 Chapter 6, Sections 3 & 4

Read the following sections in your textbook:

Chapter 6, Section 3 & 4

Due: Monday 9/21 Period 7, Tuesday 9/22 Period 8

*NOTE The name of the chapter is located on the bottom of each page, you can also find the location of a chapter or section in the table of contents at the beginning of the textbook.

As you read take notes on the reading. Below is a guide for note-taking-- please take notes in the way that I have written below to begin with, do not use your own method. See the example at the very bottom.


1. Define all bold words

2. Roman Numerals, No Indent for Every Red Heading:

3. 1 Indent, Capital letter for Every Green Heading:

4. 2 Indents, Record the main ideas within the green heading, beginning with Number 1

Example from page 14 of the textbook:

Neolithic Revolution: the beginnings of farming

Slash and burn farming: practice for clearing a field of slashing existing vegetation and burning it

I. Neolithic Revolution
---> A. Causes of the Agricultural Revolution
--------> 1. Climate Change
--------> 2. Increased in temperature
--------> 3. More crops
--------> 4. Increased population
--->B. Early Farming Methods
--------> 1. Slash and Burn Farming Methods

Email me if you have any questions!