Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW 9/29 Hagia Sofia Pictures

Your task is to write a one paragraph response that answers the question below. You must have the reading on Hagia Sofia by Procopius in order to complete this assignment.

Question to Answer:

Does Procopious' description of Hagia Sofia accurately describe the building in the pictures below?

Period 8: Thursday, 10/1
Period 7: Friday, 10/2

These pictures are from Ms. Hanemann's trip to Istanbul in July 2009

The Imperial Door- only emperors were allowed to pass through this door

Hallway to upper level

View from Upper Level

View from Second Level

Stained Glass Windows near alter

View from Ground Floor when you first enter

View of Hagia Sofia from outside.

Ms. Hanemann on the second floor of Hagia Sofia (July 2009)