Friday, October 2, 2009

HW 10/2 Ch. 13, Sec 1 & 2

Read Chapter 13 Sections 1 & 2 in your textbook and make window pane notes as you read.

There is a quiz on Monday for Period 8; Quiz on Tuesday for Period 7
Castle Learning is available and a study guide will be posted Friday afternoon

Period 7: Ch. 13, Sec. 1 & 2 Tuesday, 10/6
Period 8: Ch. 13, Sec. 2 Monday, 10/5

How to Make Window Pane Notes:

Each Section of reading (ex: Section 2) gets ONE FULL PAGE of Window Pane notes.
You must write something in all 4 boxes, challenge yourself to accomplish this!

- Short facts presented in the reading
- Key Terms
- Names of leaders (be sure to mention why they are important, don't just write their name)
- Places/Locations of important events

- Questions you have as you read about the topic
- Asking for clarity on a concept presented in the reading-- something you don't understand
- Asking about the reasons an event is happening

- Think of this as a list of the main ideas in the section or the main ideas
- Should be the last box to be filled in

- Your opinions on the reading
- Your personal connection to the reading
- Whether you agree with the events or ideas being presented