Exam: World War I
Friday, March 12th
Castle Learning is available for Multiple Choice practice
Materials to Study:
Chapter 29, Sections 1-4
--M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Packet (notes, maps, motives)
--Life During WWI Stations Packet
--Maps of Europe (Before 1914, Early War 1914, After WWI)
--End of WWI Packet (Focus on Treaty of Versailles)
Terms to Know:
M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
The Black Hand
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
The Balkan Peninsula
"The Powder Keg"
Central Powers
Western Front
Eastern Front
Trench Warfare
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Total War
Woodrow Wilson
-Fourteen Points
Georges Clemenceau
Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
Short Answer Practice:
1. Explain, using an example, how each of the following forces helped push Europe toward war: nationalism, imperialism, militarism.
2. Identify the Black Hand and explain why its members wanted to assassinate Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.
3. Explain why World War I was considered a Global conflict even though most of the fighting took place in Europe.
4. In what ways did total war affect ordinary citizens? Be sure to include at least 3 ways and illustrative examples.
5. How can World War I be considered a turning point in world history? Support your answer with relevant facts and details.
6. Was Germany to blame for World War I? Explain your answer.
7. What were the possible negative effects of the terms of peace reached after World War I. Be specific.
8. Based on what you know about the beginnings of World War I, why did the Allies blame Germany for the war?
9. How did technology change the nature of fighting in World War I. Be specific, give examples and results.
10. Explain the role that each of the following countries played in causing World War I: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Great Britain.
Short Answer
Multiple Choice
Light Geography-- don't put too much emphasis on this, but be prepared to analyze maps.