Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 3/15 Ch. 30, Sec. 2

Read Chpater 30 Section 2 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.

Period 7: Wednesday, 3/17
Period 8: Thursday, 3/18

1. Identify the following terms:
a. totalitarianism
b. Great Purge
c. command economy
d. Five-Year Plan
e. collective farming

2. Why does control of education help totalitarian regimes become successful?

3. What are the key traits (characteristics) of totalitarian state?

4. List at least 3 ways that totalitarian rulers keep their power?

5. How did the Soviet economy change direction under Stalin's leadership?

6. Why did children report their parents to the secret police?