Friday, March 12, 2010

HW 3/12 Ch. 30, Sec. 1

Read Chapter 30 Section 1 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Answers should be in blue or black ink or typed and printed.


Period 7: Monday, 3/15
Period 8: Tuesday, 3/16

1. Identify the following terms:
a. proletariat
b. Bolsheviks
c. Lenin
d. Rasputin
e. provisional government
f. soviet
g. Communist Party
h. Joseph Stalin

2. How did the czar's policies toward the people lead to social unrest?

3. How did World War I help to bring about the Russian Revolution?

4. What groups made up the Red army and the White army?

5. Why did the Bolsheviks rename their party the Communist Party?

6. How did Lenin's Communist Party stray from (did not follow) Marx's original concept of communism?